Cebu Doctor's University

Academic Scholarships and Awards

Cebu Doctors' University College of Medicine confers to students who have the qualification and none of the disqualifications the following privileges:

Entrance Scholarships
Full and partial tuition scholarships for one year are offered to students graduating from their respective schools with the BS or AB degree on the following basis:
Summa Cum Laude : 100% free
Magna Cum Laude : 75% free
Cum Laude : 50% free

Applicants for scholarship grants must present proof of their graduation with honors from their respective Deans or Registrars.

College Scholarships
Subject to the recommendation of the Dean, College scholarships will be awarded for one year to all regular students who obtain a weighted average of 88% or above in the preceding year with no grade below 80% under the following schedule:
95.0000% - 100.0000% : 100% free
90.0000% - 94.9999% : 75% free
88.0000% - 89.9999% : 50% free

Presidential Scholarships

The first- and second-ranked students in each class will be awarded full tuition and half tuition scholarships, respectively, provided the weighted average is not less than 85% and there is no grade below 75%. The conditions for computation and awarding will be the same as those for College Scholarships.

Dean’s List

The top ten regular students in each class who obtain a weighted average of 85% or greater without any failing grade at the end of an academic year may qualify for the Dean’s List and will be awarded a Certificate of Recognition. Excluded from the Dean’s List are those students who already qualify for College Scholarships and Presidential Scholarships.

Faculty Gold Medal and Silver Medal Awards
Upon graduation, the students with the first and second highest general weighted averages from First Year to Third Year shall be awarded the Faculty Gold Medal and Faculty Silver Medal, respectively. All credits must have been earned at Cebu Doctors’ University College of Medicine.

CDU-CM Award for Most Outstanding Senior Clerk
This is a cash award and plaque given upon graduation to the most outstanding Senior Clerk for the academic year.

All scholarships and awards shall be granted upon recommendation of the Dean and the approval of the Board of Trustees. No student shall be granted more than one scholarship at a time. Foreign medical students are not eligible for scholarships.

The Cebu Doctors' University College of Medicine Awards Committee is the sole body tasked to screen and determine the qualification of all potential awardees. After ratification by the Board of Trustees, the Awards Committee’s decision shall be final.